WEBINAR: Marketing Tactics for MSPs

The most common MSP marketing question we are asked is: “Which marketing tactics are working for MSPs?” There are a lot of factors that go into answering: budget, geography, service catalog, internal strengths, size of your existing database, etc. This MSP webinar will contrast these factors about an MSP’s stage of growth, and recommend MSP marketing tactics to be prioritized.

Watch the Webinar and Read the blog at www.ebridgemarketingsolutions.com.

Lead Generation Part 1: Outbound Lead Gen

Many readers will be aware that The Host Broker is operated alongside eBridge Marketing Solutions, our marketing arm. eBridge is a digital marketing agency created just for IT Service Providers. Recently eBridge’s Devin Rose and Colin Dowling presented a 30-minute webinar to answer both common and esoteric questions about outbound lead generation for IT Service Providers.

Watch the webinar on www.ebridgemarketingsolutions.com.

Marketing Strategy for MSPs during COVID

Hartland and Devin were recently invited to join the host of CompTIA’s BizTech podcast, Miles Jobgen, to discuss marketing MSPs during COVID. Based on the current marketing conditions, what growth strategies make sense? And given those strategies, what marketing tactics make sense?

If you’d like to give the podcast a listen, you may find the episode here. Also be sure to check out the accompanying blog entry on our sister-site www.ebridgemarketingsolutions.com. Enjoy!