18 Questions Every Seller Should Ask Potential Buyers

If you’re an owner of an MSP, web hosting company, or other types of IT service and you’re looking to sell your business, there are a lot of factors to consider. Here are 18 questions you’ll want to put forward to potential buyers before signing a letter of intent or purchase agreement:

General Questions

  1. Do you have prior experience with acquisitions?
  2. Do you have any references from past transactions that you can share?
  3. Will you be maintaining our brand, or will you fold it under another brand?
  4. How long will you need for due diligence?
  5. Do you have a due diligence list prepared?
  6. Are there any deal breakers for you we should be aware of?

Financial Questions

  1. Where is your financing coming from?
  2. Is your financing contingent on anything?
  3. Will you be changing our prices? When?
  4. What are your expectations around a non-compete clause in terms of duration and scope?
  5. How do you see our business fitting into your growth plans?

Operational Questions

  1. Do you have experience supporting my type of customers?
  2. How long do you expect me to stay on post-close?
  3. Will you be keeping my employees on post-close?
  4. What level of support do you offer?
  5. Will you be migrating the customers to another facility, environment, or tech stack?
  6. Do you have boots on the ground in our market?
  7. Would you have a need for our office space?

Do you have any questions of your own about selling your IT service provider? Please contact us today.